Using the AMan Grid


The AMan Grid is the main data display in the product. This is used for all of the Order Fulfillment, Listing and pricing functions. The data in the grid may be sorted by any of the columns and the columns may be moved to suit your viewing pleasure. Each functional display (e.g. orders awaiting to be packed, listings etc) may have its own grid display layout.


The main components are:

  1. On some grids the data for an item is displayed on more than one line. When this is the case, AMan will display a which when clicked on will display the next row of data.

  2. The main header informs you of the number of items displayed, the basic actions available and the associated name of the display.

  3. This is the column title. Here you may click once to sort by that column in ascending order. A further click will sort in descending order. Once you have sorted by a column, you may then further sort within another column by holding the Shift key and clicking on the second column. If you click on and drag a column header, the column may be moved to another area.

  4. The black down arrow if clicked will display the names of all the other columns. Selecting one of those columns will swap the current column with the selected column.


On most data displays, right clicking on the data will display a context sensitive action menu.