Understanding the Pricing Mechanism


AMan Pro maintains your active listings for use with both Order Fulfillment and Listing/Pricing management functions. When you wish to reprice items, AMan Pro requires that you copy the active listings to what is known as the Pending Uploads area. This area is a staging area for your listings. This allows you to "play" with your items without impacting AMan Pro functionality or your Amazon inventory. Once your are satisfied with the prices set for your items, you may then Upload Inventory to Amazon from the Pending Uploads area.


By using the Pending Uploads scratch pad area, you are protected from making any unintentional changes to your Amazon inventory while giving you the opportunity to test different pricing strategies and see what the impact on your bottom line will be.


The pricing process is a relatively long process - both for the calculation of new prices and the time taken for your upload to take effect. During the pricing process you may receive orders which alter your real inventory. AMan Pro, because it is aware of these changes, automatically adjusts for any changes in quantity during that time period. This reduces the risk of double listings and the chances of having to refund orders because you are out of stock.